I wouldn't mind being a bee. You spend all spring and summer buzzing from flower to flower, and the rest of the year is spent subsisting off of the honey that you yourself created. Just a thought.
The bees are all abuzz in my garden right now. They've made a home for themselves under one of the garden beds. It's fun to watch them come and go all day long. Imagine how much honey must be under there!
Bees under the garden bed. |
Here's what's happening in the garden this week..
I've found a few of these tomato hornworms with parasitic braconid wasp eggs on my plants. I feel bad for the caterpillars, even though they had it out for my plants! |
I have more tomatoes than I know what to do with. These guys in particular will become a delicious sauce. |
As you can see in the foreground and the background, I have plenty of basil, too. I've been freezing the leaves in zip locks full of water, and dehydrating some so that I have dried basil through the winter. |
I've pretty much picked through the lettuce. This plant has gone to seed with some pretty yellow flowers. It's almost time to start collecting seeds! |
I planted this summer squash only about a month ago. |
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