Monday, August 6, 2012

Home Grown Part 6: The Takeover

My garden is WILD. As a newbie, I didn't bother staking anything. I didn't think my plants would get that big. WRONG. The melon bed is overflowing. I've stopped trying to contain it. The tomatoes are out of control as well. I'm not complaining though. Everything is flourishing! Even the peppers and eggplants are coming along.
My overflowing melons..
Ha.. I'm so mature.
Two of the five watermelons starting to grow.
The tomato takeover. They're impeding on the asparagus
(to the left) and the beans (to the right).
The beans are still growing though!
Another view of the tomato bed.
The lettuce and basil are doing well up front.
Plum tomatoes, almost ready.
So many cherry tomatoes.
Logan and I eat these right off the plant everyday.
It's our evening ritual!
Various stages of ripeness.
Eggplants, peppers, beets, carrots and basil
are coexisting here.

I'm excited to have some yummy eggplants to work with soon!
Finally some peppers!
An upside down growing pepper.

The lovely pallet garden.
I'm predicting some basil pesto in my future.


  1. i love the pallet garden! everything looks great! such a pretty picture of your cherry tomatoes.=)
